Fair Housing Program
Fair housing choice is a right protected by both State and Federal Law. If you feel you have been discriminated against due to Race, Skin Color, Ancestry, Nationality, Religion, Disability, Gender (including Sexual Harassment), Familial Status, or Military Status, the Fair Housing Program can offer assistance. Write down what happened, save all receipts, leases, business cards, applications and other relevant documentation. Refer to the Jackson County Fair Housing Program brochure, and call the Fair Housing Hotline, 1-800-850-0467 to receive advice, get your questions answered, and get assistance with filing a fair housing complaint.
Carla Marcum with the Jackson County Commissioners Office, is our local contact for Fair Housing issues. Carla can be reached at (740) 286-3301, by email at [email protected], or by US Mail at PO Box 606, Jackson Ohio 45640.
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